As gas prices continue to steadily increase, electric bills keep getting longer. Instead of finding ways to produce more, Obama is searching for better. So does better ⇒ more, or will the energy thief continue to burn holes through our wallets? Unfortunately, gratification will not be immediate. But like all good investments, there will be payoff in the end.
Proof: Cleaner Fuel ⇒ More Energy
1. cleaner fuel ⇒ cleaner environment
2. cleaner environment ⇒ government money allocated to other areas
3. By modus ponens on 1 & 2: cleaner fuel ⇒ government money allocated to other areas
4. government money allocated to other areas ⇒ more R&D for clean energy solutions
5. By modus ponens on 3&4: cleaner fuel ⇒ more R&D for clean energy solutions
6. more R&D for clean energy solutions ⇒ more energy
∴ by modus ponens on 5 & 6 Cleaner Fuel ⇒ More Energy
Thanks Obama for making this world a better place! Captain Planet is proud!