Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Solidifying Friendships

Recently I have been assaulted with many stories of chat, game and social networking site addiction. Amidst all of these problems, it is hard to see anything good. While I understand how becoming emotionally attached to someone that you have never met can be a serious problem, what if that online interaction is with someone you know? Yes we need to avoid the illusion and step into reality, but online interactions with people we know can create strong emotional ties. Online chat played a key part in becoming emotionally attached to my wife. We would chat online all the time. It was a way for me to get to know how she thought, and what she was like all the time. I was able to see how similar we were and create a strong emotional tie while we were apart. So although we need to be careful, online interaction will solidify friendships and bind us closer together.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sad that this is your last post!

    But, I am glad for Gmail chat and that I can keep up with you throughout the day :) I love you!
